What are “keyword buckets” in SEO?

Keyword research is one of the most important first steps to launching and optimizing a SEO campaign next to link building and content marketing! It isn’t enough to simply search phrases inside of a search engine and add them to your company’s website.
This is because all keywords are different!
Why is research so critical?
Keyword research is the blueprint for your digital marketing strategy. This is because this will drive traffic to your website, leads, sales and potential customers.
While all clients want to rank on the first page for those high volume keywords, it is just as important to target those lower volume keywords with different strategies.
This is because those lower traffic keywords, also known as long-tail keywords, are sometimes the best one to bring in qualified traffic to your website. This is because those consumers are searching for very specific phrases that will lead them to your website!
What pages are the most important to drive high volume traffic to and what other pages should have some lower opportunity pages? This is all part of the SEO marketing strategy that all SEO consultants Austin Texas implement into their client’s website.
With that being said, what are “keywords buckets” or “keyword blasts” that SEO consultants Austin Texas, like OMG Austin are speaking about in meetings?
Keyword bucket
Here’s a great example of the difference between a short and long tail keyword for SEO research! Let’s say you are an antique furniture boutique or storefront that is looking to implement SEO.
If you simply search “antique furniture” within semRUSH it populates over 20,000 results. The first couple of hundred are going to be short tail keywords, which have the high volume that clients want, but the thing is, this takes a considerable amount of other SEO strategies to rank for these keywords. This is because the Keyword Density (KD) is pretty high for most of these keywords.
Let’s narrow this down to some long tail keywords. If we click “best” within semRUSH, it provides 285 search results. These have low volume and high keyword density, so these might not be the best options for long-tail keywords. They aren’t necessarily terrible to utilize, but will take some time to rank.
But, with some work, these keywords are going to be easier to capture for a company than the ones listed above!
Within a bucket, our experts would download all options, do our secret SEO tricks, and from there create a keyword bucket!
The keyword bucket created by any SEO consultants Austin Texas, like our OMG Austin SEO experts, will have a range of high and possibly low volume keywords that are going to be implemented into specific pages with off-page and on-page optimization!
The keyword bucket is going to be more difficult keyword phrases with a search intent to purchase or learn more about these products and services that are ranking for said phrases.
Our suggestion is to find local keywords that have local intent and search behind it. Oftentimes, consumers are more willing to shop local than somewhere else, which means local keywords are just more important.
Our SEO experts would suggest to grab the following local keywords from this small list:
Antique furniture austin
Antique furniture restoration austin tx
From there, our experts would continue research to make sure there aren’t other common phrases that consumers are searching for.
There you have it! That is what a “keyword bucket” in SEO would include! If you would like to consult with one of our experts about starting this research or a free consultation, contact us today!
How do you find keywords?
Keywords are found on SEO tools such as semRUSH, Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs and so many others! You can start your own research by typing a keyword phrase or question into a search engine!
Posted In: SEO and Search Marketing, Client Resources