The newest website trends

2019 is the year of breakthrough technology, innovation and user-friendliness. Kicking around the idea of a new website should be on the forefront of your yearly goals.
If your website isn’t using at least one of theses popular trends for 2019, it’s time to consider a change!
2018 was an interesting year for web and social platform security. Above all else, businesses are going the extra miles to ensure the trust of their consumers through brand awareness, reputation building and security.
Having a strong human presence online complemented by modern design, you will have an easier time maintaining and nourishing the trust your consumers need.
Mobile integration
Web users are accessing the internet on their mobile devices more than ever. Having a website that is mobile-friendly is not only important to the people accessing your website, it’s important to Google.
Google announced in Spring 2018 the importance of mobile-friendliness. As the majority of web searches are now done on mobile devices, websites are now being indexed via their mobile version before their desktop version.
Consumers are spending an extended period of time on websites featuring user-interaction and responsiveness. Custom features like interactivity have always been on the costlier end of web design. However, with automatic development processes on the rise, this type of design work is becoming more affordable.
Design depth
Giving websites a three dimensional look through flat design is a huge trend in 2019. By utilizing a variety of colors, drop shadows and gradients, you can have a unique web design that really pops. We might be biased, but our personal favorite example of depth design happens to be our own!
Gradients have been creeping up in design popularity for a few years now. Websites like Stripe and PayPal quickly took action as the ever-popular, Instagram, first updated its logo with a gradient design.
2019, however, brings the trend in full force. In fact, the gradient trend is so hot it’s being labeled ‘Gradient 2.0’ within design communities.
Large font titles
Chances are, you’re reading this on a mobile device. Over fifty-two percent of website traffic across the world is done via mobile device.
With increased mobile activity comes the need to better the readability of your design and website.
Large, bold website titles are becoming more and more popular to catch the users eye, followed by smaller, shorter website copy.
2019 website trends can and should be prioritized when considering an update this year. Ensure the trust of your user-base, follow Google’s guidelines and have a site developed to build your reputation.
Are you ready to get your new website going? Let’s do it! Send us a message!
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