The holiday time and self care

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday spirit is all around us; however, there also this thing called work and our home life that has to be maintained. The holidays are often stressful with the parties, out of town family members, events and more. It’s the perfect time to practice self-care this year.
Don’t be a Grinch during the holidays because you’re burnt out from work, holiday parties, events and more! This is how to combat the holiday stress with some simple self-care.
Exercise and keep moving
One of the best things to remember during the holidays is to keep moving and exercise as often as possible. This is because exercise helps combat depression and improves stress, mood and concentration. Research shows that even 10 minutes of daily exercise triggers the same hormones in your brain that reduce anxiety and depression.
Can’t find the time to workout? A simple 10 minute walk during your lunch break can help or light stretching. It’s better than skipping a 10 minute workout.
Keep gratitude in mind
It’s a time of year of giving, but it is also the time to remember gratitude. With everything going on, it can be hard to remember what the holidays are all about. It’s not about the presents, it’s about spending time with those who matter the most.
If you find yourself forgetting about gratitude, make a list of the top 10 things you’re thankful for this year. You can hang it in your office, on the fridge or put it as a screensaver on your phone.
Don’t skip the breaks and vacation time
As a business owner or entrepreneur, it’s easy to over book with work and holiday events. Have you noticed your calendar is full of events on your days off? Consider giving yourself some time for “you”. Go to the gym, go to your favorite restaurant, sit at home in your pajamas. Whatever you enjoy, do it.
Have a friend to lean on
No matter the stress, always have someone there for you. A friend, family member or loved one to lean on in tough times. The “major” stress in your life can actually be something smaller once you talk it out.
Have a day planned all for yourself! If you’ve been overwhelmed with social engagements get yourself a gift.
Understand, it’ll all workout
The toy your child wants is sold out, the tree is a mess, the events have been a disaster, but it will all work out. When it seems like work and life are both crashing, take a step back and think about the end goal. Now, just do YOUR best.
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