The fight against COVID-19 in Austin, Texas

As COVID-19 continues to skyrocket in cases and leave our entire nation with emotions of uncertainty and anxiety, one this is clear in Austin, we always support one another. Austinites from local companies provide free signage for restaurants to let passer-bys in vehicles know that they are offering delivery to locals sewing and handing out face masks for essential works, we are one strong city.
Local businesses are the heart of our city just like South Austin, our beloved bats, our music scene and quirky shops are all that makes our city, our city! Support Austin during COVID 19 can be one of the best things to do to ensure our city comes out stronger than ever before.
Here is how to keep Austin weird after this is all over.
Support restaurants and our food trucks
While everyone is transitioning to remembering how to cook their favorite meals again, and saving money during the downtime in the economy, local restaurants and our beloved food trucks are still in business!
All of April in every city around the United States is Take Out Tuesday! Take Out Tuesday is a special day in each city all around the U.S. that offers take out offers, coupons, free delivery and other promotions in support of ordering from local restaurants! A simple, yet effective way of supporting Austin during COVID 19!
Now, who is offering take out, delivery or pick up services? Here is a list from The Thriller, Yelp and Eater Austin for every meal from breakfast to curry!
Purchase online
It is estimated that the Internet and live streaming services are surging due to the large number of people now working from home or currently unemployed. Over 70 percent of an increase in online usage to be exact reports Verizon; however, if Austinites are finding themselves struggling between ordering take out and shopping local, pick one!
It is imperative to understand that supporting local businesses one at a time is perfectly fine. For those who frequent coffee shops, boutiques, grocery stores and etc. purchase a gift card for family and friends for their birthdays during quarantine and for extra money to spend once this is all over!
A number of companies have turned to social media and landing pages on their websites to help consumers continue to shop local during this time!
Support the arts
One thing that has become extremely apparent during this time is that those who were once deemed “non-essential” due to their careers and the arts are critical for everyone. Austin has one of the best music scenes in the nation, next to Nashville, now is the time to donate to a local band, bar and even museum.
Here is how to support our arts and musicians during this time with charities and virtual tips to live streaming.
Be kind to one another
Every single person is adjusting to a new normal in their lives whether it is being alone during quarantine or essential workers living in hotels to protect their loved ones, this is not easy on anyone. It is important to always lend a helping hand when you are able to and understand that being kind is what we should all be doing first and foremost.
For any other resources that any business or individual might need, please visit this link for more information.
Let’s all keep supporting Austin during COVID 19 to keep Austin weird!
Posted In: Client Resources