Four ways to use QR codes
Four ways to use QR codes
Omaha Media Group
An innovative way a company can reach their target audience is with a QR code. It is estimated that QR code scans demographics that are predominantly iPhone users between the ages of 25 years old to 34 years old.
Here are four ways that a company can strategically use a QR code from event promotions to coupons!
What are QR Codes?
More than likely, a consumer has noticed a QR code but was not sure what it was for. A QR code, known as Quick Response Code, is a square barcode that anyone can scan with their phones. Companies and consumers use QR codes to distribute information and coupons as quickly as possible through someone’s smartphone.
A QR code stores data by using a number of patterns with white space all around the patterns. This single QR code can hold up to 4,000 characters! That is more than four 500 word blog posts all inside one small square of weird patterns. Here is an example:
A QR code can provide convenience to both consumers and companies , and because of this, this is how to use a QR code strategically!
Direct consumers to a landing page
When someone scans a QR code for a promotion, the QR code can take them to a landing page, contact us form or any page from the website. A strategic approach is to use the QR code along side a promotion with a landing page. This ensures that accessing the landing page is coming directly from the QR code. It is really that easy.
Conferences, networking events and events in general are very hectic moments for anyone who attends. A simple scan of an event goer’s smartphone allows for convenience and to get the message out to as many people as possible.
In 2017, there were over 179 billion apps on the market and this number continues to grow! Everyone has a smartphone from your eight-year-old neighbor to your grandmother. A mobile app is a great investment for a company because it can provide more value, increase brand awareness, reduce costs while increasing sales and continue to promote products or services that are all free of charge.
Once the mobile app is created and ready for the public, go to an event or stick a QR code in strategic places. The best part- instead of a landing page the QR code goes to the website for the app or the app store. If the QR code takes someone straight to the download page it can start to automatically download the app.
Social media handles
At an event, this can be a helpful tool or handing out free swag. Having the QR code on the swag or flyer allows people to scan it at a later date; furthermore, this allows for consumers to follow a business’s social accounts! The QR code can direct them to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest boards. This promotes a specific outlet that needs boosting or has the largest following.
While a QR code might seem like a silly notion, Google Maps, YoutTube and even greeting cards are using QR codes to step up their game! For more information on mobile app development or social media management, call our team today!
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