Category Archive: The Vast Universe
UPDATED: How mobile apps are transforming healthcare
In an industry such as healthcare, an app can help patients and be another resource. What is digital health and how are mobile apps transforming the healthcare industry?
UPDATED: Six reasons for a newsletter
Email marketing continues to be the preferred marketing strategy for businesses. A simple but effective part of this strategy is newsletters!
Four SEO tips for 501c3 organizations
A nonprofit should be utilizing SEO as one of their main marketing strategies. Here are the top nonprofit seo strategies!
Marketing 101: Millennial marketing
Ah, Millennials. The avocado toast loving and industry shaking generation! Hey, they aren't all that bad, and they are possibly your newest aduience. Here's how to start marketing to this genertation.
Marketing 101: Understanding your target audience
Who is your target audience? Even for companies who have a product or service that "everyone" can use, not "everyone" is your audience!
Branding 101: What is branding?
Branding is what a company is known for. A consumer oftentimes has strong ties to brands based on their motto, values or the quality of its products. This is why a clear and prominent brand is so important for companies.
UPDATED: How you can use twitter to boost traffic to your website
Social media is a great tool for targeting your audience and drawing others in to your brand. However, there are so many different social media platforms out there, it can be hard to figure out which ones to use for your particular industry.
Five SEO lead gen all companies should know
Search engines are arguably the best platforms for generating leads online. Take a look at these five interesting facts to see how SEO lead generation can help skyrocket your business.
Three ways to re-engage email subscribers
A list of email subscribers can become dormant, unsubscribe or feel fatigued with the overload of information that is setting off their inbox notifications.
Common COVID-19 FAQs
As a company, entrepreneurs, startups and marketers, what kind of content do you even publish? Marketing during COVID-19 is something that no marketer can say they have directly dealt with before; however, some of the top companies and entrepreneurs in the industry have provided a better understanding of what can and should be done during this time.