March Google update
Did you notice a significant increase or decreasing in your ranking? This is due to the latest March update.
The importance of an app
Why should I hire a mobile app development company when I have a website?
Graphic design common myths, debunked
At OMG Austin, we asked our graphic design department about common myths that need to be debunked in their field.
Video marketing for different platforms PT 2
What video marketing methods work best for LinkedIn, Facebook and Pinterest?
Micromarketing strategies
A “new” marketing trend is one that answers the questions future patrons and customers are thinking about, but they don’t even realize it. The moment they see an ad and take action, this marketing process is involved from beginning to end. It’s digital marketing, but honing in on a specific target audience called, micromarketing.
The world of influencer marketing and social media
The Kardashians, IG fitness models, celebrities and other high profile Instagram accounts are known for influencer marketing.
The need for holiday marketing
Get the turkey stuffed, presents wrapped and hand out a holiday bonus from an increase in sales because of the right holiday marketing strategies!
UI & UX For Mobile Application Development!
You download a few and immediately uninstall others because they are difficult to use, very outdated, weird colors, or a number of other reasons. All of this is done with software and the design notions of User Experience and User Interface notions.